
1. 英语的招聘启事怎么写 Bilingual Secretary Wanted
Our company requires a bilingual secretary for our office.She must be bilingual in English and Japanese. Competitive salary and good benefits package, with a challenge to grow within this expanding enterprise, are offered to 21-25 years old young girls with excellent secretarial skills, the ability to communicate, an outgoing personality and strong sense of responsibility.
Applications with photo, addressed to the Human Resources Department, 123 Sunshine Road, Guangzhou, are welcome.
本公司现招聘双语秘书一名 。要求精通日英两语,年龄21-25,女性,专业技能强,性格外向,善于沟通,有责任感 。一旦录用,本公司将提供具有竞争性的薪水以及优越的福利待遇 。有意者请将近照随同求职信寄往:广州阳光大道123号,人力资源部收 。
2. 英语的招聘广告怎么写要怎么写英语 Production Technologist
Under the leadership of the Chief Engineer,to be responsible for detailed product design of the machines. Also will investigate and recommend improvements to the product lines (产品类型).
Qualifications (资历):
Graduate of a Mechanical Engineering degree or diploma course, or a Drafting course with emph-
asis on Mechanical Drafting.
Experience with agricultural equipment would be an advantage. Please apply to:
Chief Engineer
Agricultural Manufacturing Industries
2020 Harvard Avenue (大街)
Halifax Nova Scotia
3. 怎样写英语的招聘作文 Help Wanted
A computer company wants two English translators who can meet the following requirements:
1. male or female aged under 25;
2. living in this province;
3. able to use English freely;
4. with the knowledge of operating computers.
Anyone who is willing to, please send your resume in Chinese and English within two months, including two photos, to Miss Mary of NBA computer company.
Two English translators are wanted in a computer company. The requirements are like following:
1. anyone under 25;
2. citizens in this province;
3. having a good grasp of English;
4. good at operating computers.
If you have interest, you can post your resume written in English and Chinese and two photos to Miss Mary, secretary of NBA computer company, within two months.
4. 英语招聘启事要怎么写啊 汉莎天厨是世界最大的航空配餐公司之一,专注于为世界各地的旅客提供各式各样的飞行增值服务 。
我们的客户群遍及全球各大洲,服务超过40个国家,200个不同地区的260家航空公司 。今天的成功来源于我们专业的后勤组织架构,顶尖的技术水平和高度专业化的员工 。
为了更好的应对高速发展的中国市场,我们诚邀精英加入我们中国区的团队,具体职务如述 。我们将为有合适经验和相关资格认征的雇员提供一系列有竞争力的报酬 。
有意应聘者请将个人简历,当前收入和期望值,可开始工作时间电邮至本公司 。如要了解关于我们公司的更多信息,请浏览我们公司的主页 。
LSG Sky Chefs is one of the larg airline catering company world-wide by serving about 260 airlines from our 200 different locations in over 40 countries on all continents with everything that makes flying pleasant.This success is achieved by our professional logistics infrastructure,newest techniques and highly qualified personnel. To cope with the rapid expansion in Greater China,we now invite applications for the following position to be stationed in China. We offer an attractive remuneration package in commensurate with the qualifications and experience to the right candidate.Interested parties please apply with full resume,present and expected salary and date available to the email box to us. For more details,please visit our Website. 招聘职位 驻地经理(中国区) Station Managers (China) 电子邮箱:[email protected] 发布日期:2006-02-16 工作地点:广州市 招聘人数:若干 学 历:本科 工作年限:三年以上 薪水范围:面议 外语要求:英语 熟练 职位描述: 职责包括监督和管理我们在中国区其中的一间配餐公司,领导和协调一切运营操作 。应聘者必须有强大的计划和实施能力,在职务和责任范围内能有效地推行各项政策,最大化提高服务准时率,有效率和客户(航空公司)的满意度 。