高铁的英语怎么写( 三 )

勉强要译的话 , 按照其动力的不同 , 可译为EMU或者DMU , 其中的MU代表的“Multiple Units”(单元列车) , E代表Electric(电) , D则代表Diesel(柴油) 。完整的称谓就是“电气单元列车”或“内燃单元列车”
所以 , 在台湾以及使用繁体中文的地区 , 分别把EMU和DMU译为“电联车”和“柴联车” , 也就是日文里的“电车”和“気动车”
但两个不载客的纯动力车(NZJ1、NZJ2、NDJ3、DJJ2)夹若干客车 , 或者一个动力车和一个带驾驶室的客车夹若干客车 , 在中国大陆 , 也被称作“动车组” 。这种车在国外 , 应该被称作推挽式列车(Push & Pull mode) , 因为它们并非狭义上的“动车组”  , 狭义上的“动车组”应该是高度单元化的列车 , 而不是这种可以任意加减编组的车组
6. 英语书面表达关于中国高铁 Hi Tom,
Welcome you to China. It was great to hear from you and I can't wait to meet you.
You asked me which is the best way to travel to China in July. Now let me tell you more about it. You can take CRH (China Railway High-speed) now. It is the best comfortable way to travel around China. And it is alsi reasonable in July because it is very hot in China un July. The CRH is very safety. And yoy can get the tickets from self-service ticket machine or even online. It is very convenient and they are not expensive. I will shiw you around China. It is very different from before.
Li Hua
7. 英语作文,我的高铁专业 Undoubtedly,railway is the first public transport means invented by human beings,and it appeared in Britain in the early nineteenth century for the first time as well.After that,the high-speed railway came out.
According to the definition,the high-speed railway refers to a new type of the railway system,owning the rate over 200 kilometers per hour.In the early 21st century,almost none of the railway systems had a rate more than 200 kilometers per hour.Up to the year 1964,the Japanese shinkansen appeared with a rate of 300 kilometers per hour.In addition,except achieving a certain rate,the train itself and the rail must be improved at the same ti 。with the development of the science and technology,the high-speed railway came out.
I believe.Of course,railway is the first public transport means invented by human beings,our railway system will become more and more advanced,owning the rate over 200 kilometers per hour.Up to the year 1964,the broad high-speed railway still include the magnetically levitated train.In the early 21st century,and it appeared in Britain in the early nineteenth century for the first time as well,the train itself and the rail must be improved at the same time,except achieving a certain rate.After that.In addition,the Japanese shinkansen appeared with a rate of 300 kilometers per hour.
According to the definition,almost none of the railway systems had a rate more than 200 kilometers per hour,the high-speed railway refers to a new type of the railway system,which will be widely used in the near future,bring convenience to our lifeUndoubtedly

