the|没养成这7条阅读习惯?可能你的书都白读了!( 二 )

If you really want to read more, try cutting back on TV or Internet consumption. This may be difficult for many people. Still, every minute you reduce of Internet/TV, you could use for reading. This could create hours of book reading time.
如果你真的想阅读更多 , 试着减少浪费在电视和电脑上的时间 。 这对很多人来说可能很困难 。 当然 , 你减少的浪费在电视和电脑上的每一分钟 , 都可以用来阅读 。 这可以创造更多的阅读时间 。
One of the best ways to form a habit is to put it on your blog. If you don’t have one, create one. It’s free. Have your family go there and give you book suggestions and comment on the ones you’re reading. It keeps you accountable for your goals.
【the|没养成这7条阅读习惯?可能你的书都白读了!】和读书列表类似 , 此记录不应该只写下你所读的书的书名和作者 , 如果可能的话还应该写下读书的起止日期 。 更好的作法是在其后写下你对此书的感想 。 几个月之后 , 再返回来看记录 , 回顾自己的阅读经历 , 是一种极大的满足 。
Tell yourself that you want to read 50 books this year (or some other number like that). Then set about trying to accomplish it. Just be sure you’re still enjoying the reading though — don’t make it a rushed chore.
告诉你自己你几年想读50本书(或者一些其他的数字) 。 然后试着完成它 。 只要确保你一直在享受阅读 , 不要让它成为一件苦差事 。
If you turn off the TV or Internet in the evening, you could have a set hour (perhaps just after dinner) when you and maybe all the members of your family read each night. Or you could do a reading day, when you (and again, your other family members if you can get them to join you) read for practically the whole day. It’s super fun.
如果你在晚上关了电视和电脑 , 你和所有的家庭成员就能抽出一小时(可能是晚餐过后)的阅读时间 。 或者你也可以抽出一整天的时间来阅读 , 如果能召集所有家庭成员一起读的话不妨一起读 。 这是很有趣的 。