
Canada Goose goes fur-free

New York (CNN Business)Canada Goose is icing out the fur trims on its jackets.
加拿大鹅将排除皮毛应用在他们的夹克产品上 。
The luxury clothier said Thursday it will stop buying fur by the end of this year and cease manufacturing fur products no later than the end of 2022.
这家昂贵的衣物制作商在周四声称他们将会在今年年底停止采购皮毛 , 并且在2022年年底停止生产皮毛产品 。
Since the company's founding in 1957, wild coyote fur was the most-used fur trim for its parkas. Critics, including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, have been calling on the company for several years to stop using fur. PETA objects to how the coyotes are trapped and killed for their fur.
自从公司在1957年成立以来 , 在派克大衣上野狼皮毛是用得最多的材料 。 有争议的是 , 由于人们对待动物的伦理议题 , 这几年一直在呼吁公司停止使用皮毛 。 善待动物组织反对土狼因为皮毛被捕获被杀害 。
Canada Goose warned in its 2017 IPO filing that its reputation and sales could be hurt by protestors or animal welfare activists, who oppose the use of fur.
加拿大鹅在2017年的首次公开募股文件中警告了他们的名誉问题和销售可能受到抗议者和动物福利积极分子的打击 , 他们反对使用皮毛 。
Thursday's announcement is part of Canada Goose's mission to become more sustainable. Earlier this year, it released it's "most sustainable parka to date" that uses 30% less carbon and requires 65% less water during production compared to its current parka. The Toronto-based company said it's committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2025.
周四的发布是使加拿大鹅可持续发展的的部分使命 。 今年早些时候 , 他们透露了“最有发展潜力的派克大衣日程”——与不久前的派克大衣相比生产时减少30%碳排放和减少65%水的消耗 。 这家总部位于多伦多的公司声称他们在致力于追求在2025年前达到碳零排放 。
Other companies have already committed to take real animal fur out of their inventories. In October 2019, Macy's (M) and Bloomingdale's announced that they would stop selling fur this year. Saks Fifth Avenue said in April it will stop selling animal fur products by the end of the 2022 fiscal year both online and in stores.
其他公司已经致力于将真实的皮毛清出存货 。 2019年10月 , 梅西百货和布鲁明代尔百货公司宣布他们将在今年停止销售皮毛 。 萨克斯第五大道精品百货店在四月声称他们将在2022年财政年底同时在网络和实体店停止销售皮毛产品 。
Hundreds of stolen artifacts recovered in Italy

Hundreds of stolen artifacts recovered in Italy
Written作者 byJack GuyNicola Ruotolo, CNN
Italian art police have repatriated an "archaeological treasure trove" of almost 800 stolen artifacts from Belgium in one of the largest operations of its kind in the country.
意大利艺术警察从比利时追回800件被盗 , 其中包含一件无主财宝文物 , 这是该国规模最大的同类事件之一 。
The collection included "artifacts of exceptional rarity and inestimable value," according to a press release from the cultural heritage protection unit of the Carabinieri on Monday.
这批藏品包含“特别珍贵稀有和难以估价的文物” , 据文化遗产保护单位周一的通讯稿透露 。
Among the objects recovered were Apulian red-figure vases, amphorae, black-painted ceramics, clay heads, winged statuettes and terracotta figures.