|加拿大鹅趋于无皮毛生产、意大利寻回数百件被盗文物( 二 )

在这些出土文物中 , 有意大利阿普利亚地区的红色雕像花瓶 , 双耳陶罐 , 黑色彩绘陶瓷 , 陶土头像 , 戴翼雕像和赤色陶土雕像 。
The items date from the 6th to 3rd centuries BC and are protected by the "code of cultural heritage and landscape," according to the press release, and are worth an estimated 11 million euros ($13 million).
这批文化的日期可以追溯到公元前6世纪到3世纪 , 受到“文化遗产和景观法典”的保护 , 据通讯稿称 , 它们的价值预估11百万欧元(13百万美元) 。

All of the artifacts have been repatriated to Italy. Credit: From Carabinieri Nucleo Tutela Patrimonio Culturale
所有文物都被送回意大利 。
The repatriation is the result of an international investigation launched in 2017 following the identification of a Daunian stele -- a kind of ancient stone funerary monument -- owned by a wealthy Belgian collector.
这次遣返是2017年启动的国际调查的成果 , 触发这次调查的是此前识别到的一块 道年 石碑——一种古代殉葬纪念品——属于比利时的一位富有的收藏家 。
The stele was listed in the catalog for an exhibition held at the Rath Museum in Geneva, Switzerland, from November 1993 to February 1994, and an exhibition at the Mona-Bismarck Foundation Museum in Paris, France, from March 1 to April 30 1994.
这块石碑被列入1993年11月至1994年2月在瑞士日内瓦的拉斯博物馆举行的展览目录和1994年3月1日至4月30日在法国巴黎的莫纳-俾斯麦基金会博物馆举行的展览 。
Ancient looted artworks returned to Italy by Christie's auction house.
被掠夺的古代艺术品被佳士得拍卖行带回意大利 。
A missing central part of the stele matched a fragment kept at a museum in Italy, and investigations revealed that the owner may also have owned ceramic objects illegally excavated from tombs in Apulia.
这块石碑中部丢失的部分与保存在意大利博物馆的一块碎片相符 , 调查显示 , 它的主人可能还拥有从阿普利亚的坟墓中非法挖掘出来的陶瓷物品
As a result, the cultural heritage protection unit applied for a warrant to search and seize artifacts from the collector. The stele was later found during a search of the collector's home in the Belgian province of Antwerp, and investigators confirmed that the missing fragment matched the one in the museum.
因此 , 文物遗产保护单位申请了搜查令 , 要求对这位收藏家进行搜查和没收文物 。 这块石碑后来在比利时安特卫普省的收藏者家中被发现 , 调查人员证实丢失的碎片与博物馆里的碎片相符 。
"During the search, a real archaeological treasure trove was recovered, consisting of hundreds of Apulian figured pottery finds and other Daunian steles, all illegally exported from Italy, which were then seized in Belgium," reads the press release.
“在搜寻过程中 , 发现了一个真正的无主考古宝藏 , 包括数百件从意大利非法出口的阿普利亚陶器和其他道尼亚石碑 , 这些都是后来在比利时被查获的 , ”新闻稿透露 。
"The technical examination carried out in Belgium by the Italian archaeologist consultant highlighted the authenticity and historical-cultural value of the 782 archaeological finds."
“意大利考古学家顾问在比利时进行的技术检查强调了782项考古发现的真实性和历史文化价值 。 ”

The items are protected under Italian law. Credit: From Carabinieri Nucleo Tutela Patrimonio Culturale
这些文物受到意大利法律保护 。
The looting of ancient art in Italy is not a new phenomenon. It is at least as old as the Roman Empire, which not only contended with its own tomb raiders -- or "tombaroli," as they are known in Italy -- but also pilfered riches from other nations.