
1.电视机用英文怎么写电视机TV set; television receiver; vision receiver; televisor;television set黑白电视机跌价了 。
The prices of BW TV sets have gone down.旅馆每个房间都有电视机作为额外优待 。Television is available in each of thehotel rooms as an extra.我打开电视机好吗?--好,请打开吧 。
Shall I turn on the TV? -- Yes, please.旧式电视机telehor开电视机turn on the TV电视机出了毛病 。Something has gone wrong with the TV set.他修理电视机很内行 。
He is very expert at repairing TV sets.电视机维修手册a television servicing manual没有任何东西能把孩子们从电视机前诱开 。Nothing will entice the children fromtelevision.他对电视机很在行 。
He knows a lot about TV set.电视机的遥控失灵了 。The TV's remote control malfunctioned.别瞎鼓捣我的电视机 。
【电视机用英语怎么写的】Don't tinker with my television 。. 。
2.电视机用英文怎么写电视机TV set; television receiver; vision receiver; televisor;
television set
黑白电视机跌价了 。The prices of BW TV sets have gone down.
旅馆每个房间都有电视机作为额外优待 。Television is available in each of the
hotel rooms as an extra.
我打开电视机好吗?--好,请打开吧 。Shall I turn on the TV? -- Yes, please.
开电视机turn on the TV
电视机出了毛病 。Something has gone wrong with the TV set.
他修理电视机很内行 。He is very expert at repairing TV sets.
电视机维修手册a television servicing manual
没有任何东西能把孩子们从电视机前诱开 。Nothing will entice the children from
他对电视机很在行 。He knows a lot about TV set.
电视机的遥控失灵了 。The TV's remote control malfunctioned.
别瞎鼓捣我的电视机 。Don't tinker with my television.
3.电视机用英语怎么说TV setn.电视机goggle-boxn.[英俚] 电视机idiot boxn.Slang (名词)【俚语】 A television.电视机televisiontel.e.vi.sionAHD:[tμl“…-v1zh”…n] D.J.[6tel*7vi9*n]K.K.[6tWl*7v!9*n]n.(名词)The transmission of visual images of moving and stationary objects, generally with accompanying sound, as electromagnetic waves and the reconversion of received waves into visual images.电视:传输通常配有相应的声音的运动和静止的物体的视觉图像的电磁波,并将其转变成视觉图像An electronic apparatus that receives electromagnetic waves and displays the reconverted images on a screen.电视机:接收电磁波并在屏幕上显示已还原的图像的电子设备The integrated audible and visible content of the electromagnetic waves received and converted by such an apparatus.电视内容:通过电视机接收和转变电磁波使其变成既可听又可看的内容 。
The industry of producing and broadcasting television programs.电视业:制作和广播电视节目的行业n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:电视:常用于修饰另一个名词:television programs; television newscasters.电视节目;电视新闻广播员 。
4.电视机用英语怎么说TV set
[英俚] 电视机
idiot box
n.Slang (名词)【俚语】
A television.
The transmission of visual images of moving and stationary objects, generally with accompanying sound, as electromagnetic waves and the reconversion of received waves into visual images.
An electronic apparatus that receives electromagnetic waves and displays the reconverted images on a screen.