
1.我想成为一名i would like to be a teacher.
It goes without saying that everybody has his dream,and my dream is to be a teacher.There are many reasons about my dream.Firstly,in my view ,I think work as a teacher will do a lot of things for the society.Secondly,I like my teachers very much,so I want to be one of them.Thirdly,my parents also want me to be a teacher.To achieve my goal,I must study hard.Only in this way can I end up as a teacher.
翻译: 我想要成为一个老师
毫无疑问,每个人都有自己的梦想,我的梦想是成为一名老师 。对于我的梦想,有很多原因 。首先,在我看来,作为一名老师可以为社会做很多事 。其次,我非常喜欢我的老师,并且想成为她们中的一员 。最后,我的父母也很希望我能成为一名教师 。为了实现我的理想,我必须努力学习 。只有这样,我最后才能如愿以偿,成为一名教师 。
【想成为英语怎么写】上面有一人回答的不能用啊 。就是最长的那篇 。那篇第一段的内容是这样的:在我进入商业之前,我是一名英语教师,尽管我不是从外语学校毕业的 。现在我很想再一次成为一名教师 。你要是用这篇,一看你就是抄的 。
短的那篇还可以,但第一句话要慎用 。因为那是说,我的父母都是老师,他们的学生从他们那里学到了很多,我也是他们学生中的一员 。如果你父母不是老师,这么写就不恰当了 。短的这篇后面写的不错
2.我想成为什么英语50字作文翻译I want to be a doctor when I grow up. You want to know the reason. Once when I was a little girl, I was walking in the street. At that moment, a man who was riding a bike hit me. I fell onto the ground. Then he rode away. I was very sad and cried. Just at that time a woman came up to me and asked what happened. I told her what had happened and she told me to the hospital at once. In fact she was a doctor. She looked over my legs and feet carefully and said there was nothing serious. Then she took me home. I was so lucky that day.And I admired her. She was so kind to me. From that moment on, I decided to be a doctor. I want to help more people with my knowledge and kind heart. 。
3.初一英语作文 我想成为Looking to the future In the future I would like to become a famous violinist. If I become a good violinist, I would take part in many concerts. Moreover, I will admit many of their students. I hope to achieve my dream as soon as possible! 。
I want to be a star
Do I want to be famous? Yes, of course. There is no one would not want to be famous.
When I was a kid, I always dreamed of being a top star and everyone would clap and cheer for me. Then I realised it will not come true and I changed my dream, but still, I want to be a star. I want to be famous in learning. I want to be famous in sporting. I want to be famous around the classmates and also I want to be famous in the teachers! To be famous is my motivation, and always spurs me to study hard, learn more and never give up.
I believe I will be a star in study one day!
5.我想成为明星的英语作文怎么写I want to be a star
Do I want to be famous?Yes,of course.There is no one would not want to be famous.
When I was a kid,I always dreamed of being a top star and everyone would clap and cheer for me.Then I realised it will not come true and I changed my dream,but still,I want to be a star.I want to be famous in learning.I want to be famous in sporting.I want to be famous around the classmates and also I want to be famous in the teachers!To be famous is my motivation,and always spurs me to study hard,learn more and never give up.
I believe I will be a star in study one day!
