英文确认信怎么写( 二 )

2、文法上的差异:make sure既然是确保一件事会发生 , 它后面接的是一个子句 , 而confirm的弹性就大一点 , 可以接子句 , 也可以接名词 。一定要和他们确认 , 做这件事来确保事情顺利 , 用make sure , 确认会面的资讯是否正确 , 用confirm 。这两种说法都可以 , 用make sure语气略微随意一些 。
另外 , Confirm是13世纪晚期进入英语 , 直接源自拉丁语的confirmare:com (表强调) + firmare (加强) , 意为进一步加强 。其常用短语有:confirm in (v.+prep.)意思是坚定某人的信念 。
而sure是1300年左右进入英语 , 直接源自古法语的sur, seur , 意为安全的 , 保险的;最初源自古典拉丁语的securus , 意为平静的 , 不留心的 。
confirm的同义词辨析:approve, confirm, sanction , 这些动词均有“批准”之意 。
1、approve:普通用词 , 常指正式的或官方的批准 。
2、confirm:强调按法律程序提请确认或批准 。
3、sanction:语气最强 , 多指官方的同意或批准 , 是书面用词 。
5.我要往马尔代夫发确认信,英文怎么写Dear Sir/Madame,
I am ######. I have reserved a hotel room at your island from Nov.14-18, 2012.
I am writing to to confirm the following issue:
1) Whether the hotel room reservation is successful?
2) Whether the hotel could provide pickup service at Male Airport on Nov.14?
3) Whether the honeymoon package reservation is successful?
Awaiting for your reply!
Thank you very much!
6.预订信 英文如何写xxhotel:
I am XXX of xxx co.
I would like to book a set of room with a single bed, with bathroom and a shower, from Mar.5th to Apr.2nd, for our president Mr.Smith. The room must devided into different sections, with faxmachine, tv set. the windows towards to the south. Check in at the noon on Mar.5 and check out in the afternoon on Apr.2 .
please confirm and reply us. appreciated for your attention.
7.信用证 怎么写英文 催证Dear sirs,
We haven't got any information about the L/Cs by now. According to our contract, you should issue the L/Cs not later than 25th, Nov, pls push this as soon as possible, or we have to cancle this order and you should bear the cost. However, the advising bank should be Bank of China, Shanghai Branch bank, not only Bank of China.
Looking forward your earliest reply.
第一种邀请信邀请的对象一般是朋友、熟人 , 所以内容格式上的要求都比较松 , 可以写得随便一些 。只要表明邀请的意图 , 说明活动的内容、时间、地点等等 。但既然是邀请信 , 那么就一定要在信中表达非常希望对方能够参加或者出席的愿望 。这种邀请信的篇幅可以非常短 , 下面以一封邀请看电影的短信为例:
Dear Jane,
We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema, The
Longest Day, Friday, the ninth. Will you join us? We'll be looking for you
at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so don't disappoint
Warmest regards.
第二种邀请信一般由会议或学术活动的组委会的某一个负责人来写 , 以组委会的名义发出 , 而且被邀请者通常也是属于比较有威望的人士 。因此 , 这类邀请信的措辞要相对正式一些 , 语气要热情有礼 。
这一类邀请信通常要包括以下内容:首先表明邀请对方参加的意图以及会议或学术活动的名称、时间、地点;然后要对被邀请者的威望和学术水平等表示推崇和赞赏 , 表明如果被邀请者能够接受邀请 , 会给会议或者活动带来很好的影响;接着要说明会议或活动的相关事宜 , 最好是能引起对方兴趣的事宜;当然不能忘了表达希望对方能够参加的诚意;最后还要请收信人对发出的邀请做出反馈 , 如确认接受邀请 。下面是一封邀请对方参加学术会议的信函: