
土耳其共和国(土耳其语:7a686964616fe78988e69d8331333365643662Türkiye Cumhuriyeti,英语:The Republic of Turkey),简称土耳其,是一个横跨欧亚两洲的国家,北临黑海,南临地中海,东南与叙利亚、伊拉克接壤,西临爱琴海,与希腊以及保加利亚接壤,东部与格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆和伊朗接壤 。土耳其地理位置和地缘政治战略意义极为重要,是连接欧亚的十字路口 。
土耳其首都是安卡拉,主要城市是伊斯坦布尔,伊兹密尔,布尔萨,阿达纳,加济安泰普,安塔利亚等 。
土耳其大陆西起巴尔干,东至高加索,全长1000英里,向北延伸至黑海,南部濒临地中海,在欧洲国土面积仅次于俄国(301000平方英里),位居第二 。
土耳其大陆长达5000英里的海岸线点缀着数处保存完好的爱琴海和地中海海滩 。
土耳其的气候类型变化很大 。东南部较干旱,黑海被薄雾笼罩;地中海和爱琴海地区冬季温和,而多山的东部地区积雪期长达数月,异常严寒 。
错落分布着山脉、大河、盐湖和淡水湖泊 。这片土地极利于小麦、棉花和瓜果的生长,也适宜放牧牛羊和马匹 。
东南部安纳托利亚气候炎热、干燥 。
东部地区多山,气温较低,降雨量适中 。这里的农业发展环境更为苛刻,但是农民们仍种植小麦,放牧羊群 。
2.求一篇土耳其的英文介绍 七分钟左右【土耳其英文怎么写】Agri Ishak Pasha Palace Though named as a "palace," the Ishak Pasha palace is more a kulliye. The palace is the most famous building after the Topkapi palace built in the 18th Century, during the Lale period, in the classical style. The building is located on the slopes of a hill 5 km. From the Dogubeyazit town. Besides displaying one of the finest examples of the Ottoman architecture, the palace is also known for its diverse history. According to the inscription on the Takkapi gate in the Harem quarter, the palace is built in 1199 Hicri (the Moslem calendar), or 1784 A.D. The building hovers on firm, stony ground because of its location on a slope. Although the palace is located within the centre of the Dogu Beyazit region, three sides of the building (the northern, western, and southern sides) are surrounded by steep rocks. The only access to the palace is through a slightly flat pass. The main gate, the Cumle gate, of the palace is erected against this pass. Since the palace is erected at a time when the castles lost their geographical advantage and when firearms began to be used instead of the sword, the palace's eastern wing defense is weak. The Cumle gate is made of traditionally carved and sculptured stone. Not many palaces built in the classical Turkish architectural style are left today. The Ishak Pasa Palace is one of them. The Carain Cave The cave is located 27 km. From Antalya at the Katran Mountains. The cave is a natural formation and was inhabited during the prehistoric ages (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, chalcolithic). The cave yielded skeletons and objects, like dressed stone tools and weapons, processed flintstones, that shed light on life in the prehistoric ages. The Bust of Alexander the Great The bust of Alexander the Great was discovered during the excavation of Pergamum. The bust found in Pergamum is part of a copy of the original statue of Alexander, a work by Lysippos, the personal sculptor of Alexander the Great. The bust dates from the 3rd Century B.C. The original Lysippos statue of Alexander has never been found, instead, there are several copies of the statue made in Greek and Roman periods. The Pergamum bust, the only piece remaining from the statue, is on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris. The Relief on Ivriz Hill The relief can be found at the spring of the Ivriz stream, 12 km. From Eregli - Konya. The 6.08 metres high relief was a religious sanctuary which dates back to the Late Hittite period in the 8th Century B.C. and depicts king Warpalavas giving offerings to Santaj, the Hittite god of fertility. For more information about the Hittites please refer to the Yazilikaya section of this site. Anadoluhisari Fortress Anadoluhisari on the Asian shore of the Bosphorus is the oldest Turkish building in Istanbul. It was constructed by the Ottoman sultan Bayezid I Yildirim in 1395, and later enlarged by Mehmet II (1451-1481) who built the outer walls. At the centre is a 25 m high square tower of four storeys, surrounded by a 20 m high wall 1.5 m thick in the form of an irregular pentagon. The 2 m thick outer wall measures 80 m from north to south and 65 m from east to west. As well as accommodation for the garrison the fortress contained its own mosque. Van Castle The Urartians constructed dozens of castles in this mountainous region of eastern Turkey, such as Toprakkale, Kalecik, Cavustepe, Edremit, Asagi Anfaz, Yukari Anfaz, Zengibar, Muradiye, Kecikiran, Hosap, Agarti, Delicay and Zernakitepe. The most important of all is undoubtedly Van Castle, which was built in the year 834 BC by King Sardur I of Urartu. The northern side rests against steep slopes and to the south are rocky cliffs. The castle measures 1800 m long by 1200 m wide, and within its walls are many royal tombs and inscriptions. Four walls surround the castle, two of Urartian construction, and two built nearly two thousand years later by the Akkoyunlu and Ottomans. In front of the north walls is an open air temple carved into the rock, and within the walls are a mosque, medrese, barracks and cisterns. Sultan Han (Alaeddin Kervansarai) The kervansarai is located in the town of Sultanhani, 40 km. From Aksaray. The han is one of the best examples of Selcuq architecture. As the greatest han built during the Selcuq period, it was construv-cted by Alaeddin Keykubat I. In 1229. The han was renovated and expanded to a greater size in 1278 after a fire broke out. The architecture of the han is Muhammed bin Havlan el-Dimiski. The han is built on a plan of 50x110 m., and consists of a winter and a summer residence. The most significant part of the han are the reliefs on the Main Gate. Grand。