
[贸易] shopping;shop;trade;detriment更多释义>>
购物 Shopping;shopping;shop
购物车 shopping cart;Cart;shopping trolley
去购物 go shopping;Lesson Three Going Shopping;We can hit the stores
2.英文网站用语翻译 (留言,购物车)市场价 retail price
加盟价 franchise price
会员价 member price
商品单位 product unit
数量 amount
编号 product ID
单位 unit
类别 category
产品介绍 product description
对不起,您还没有登陆 sorry, you didn't log in yet.
添加购物 add to shopping cart
商品已经成功添加您的购物车 product added to your shopping cart
商品数量修改成功 product amount modified successfully
【购物车英文怎么写】购物车被清空 your shopping is emptied (Your shopping cart is empty)
删除成功 deleted successfully
您从何处知道本网站 Where you heard our site from
递交 submit
重写 reset
你的数据添加成功 your information added successfully
你的数据添加失败 add information failed
申请会员成功 membership successfully registered
申请失败 membership apply failed