
1.此刻 用英语怎么说含“此刻”之意的英文:this moment、now一、this moment英 [e?s ?m??m?nt] 美 [e?s ?mo?m?nt] 这;此时;此刻He's touring South America at this moment in time. 他此刻正在南美旅游观光 。
二、now英 [na?] 美 [na?] 1、adv. 现在;如今;立刻2、adj. 现在的3、n. 现在;目前4、conj. 由于;既然She felt a little better now 这时她觉得好点儿了 。扩展资料近义词:1、right away英 [ra?t ??we?] 美 [ra?t ??we?] 立刻You should eat them right away. 您应该立刻吃掉它们 。
2、at once英 [?t w?ns] 美 [?t w?ns] 同时;一起;立即;马上I have to go, I really must, at once 我得走了,我真的必须马上就走 。3、immediately英 [??mi?di?tli] 美 [??mi?di?tli] adv.立即;马上;即刻He immediately flung himself to the floor 他立即飞身扑到地上 。
at the moment
1.The dispute at the moment revolved about the question of whom to send.
当时的争论是围绕着派谁去好这一问题而进行的 。
2.The question is: if that node is not actually being displayed at the moment, where should it be displayed?