
1.“做美容”用英语怎么说【英语联盟 - 英语口语】
北京的天气真是不好 。这不,这两天又刮沙尘暴,皮肤变得好干啊!爱美的姐妹们一定又要去美容院好好保养一下了 。Cindy也是这么想的,不过这次她打算去一家新开业的美容院,据说名头不错的 。
A: Sure. Most facials start with athorough cleansing. Then we usually use atonertoinvigoratethe skin, followed by anexfoliation treatment, a peeling mask or scrub that removes the dead cells that makes the skin look dull. After that, we'll massage your face and neck with oil or cream to improve circulation and relieve tension, followed by a mask to moisturize and soften the skin.B: That's exactly what I want. How long does it take?A: There are half hour and one hour treatments. The half hour facial costs twenty yuan and the one hour costs thirty yuan. If you want make-up, add another ten yuan .B: Good. I'll take the half-hour facial with make-up.A: We also havemanicureservice. Would you like it?
2.“美容”的英文怎么写“美容”的英文:cosmetology读法 英 [,k?zm?'t?l?d??] 美 [,kɑzm?'tɑl?d?i] 固定搭配:1、medical cosmetology 医学美容 2、Specialist cosmetology 专业美容3、facial cosmetology 面部美容4、cosmetology shop 美容美发店示例:It includes SPA, medical cosmetology, anti-ageing therapy, body check and preserves one's health etc. 包括亚洲最大的SPA、医学美容、抗衰老综合治疗、体检、调理养生等 。
扩展资料cosmetology相关的词语:facial读法 英 ['fe??l] 美 ['fe??l] 1、adj. 脸部的;面部的2、n. 美容短语:1、facial recognition 面部识别;面孔识别2、facial cleanser 洗面奶;洁面乳3、facial tissue n. 化妆纸示例:1、She had a facial at the beauty parlor.她在美容院做了一次美容 。2、I've made an appointment for a facial next week.我已经预约了下周去美容 。

