
1.网络正在改变我们的生活方式,用英语写一篇短文及中文翻译With the widespread of Internet, people seem to depend on it greatly. Since we have Internet, our life changes a lot. Each day, we can get information of other countries or places of the updated information. We can share our experiences with others, enjoy a lot of good things and learn much knowledge from Internet.
随着网络的普及,人们已经对它产生了很大的依赖性 。自从有了网络,我们的生活也变得与众不同 。每天,我们都可以通过网络来获得一些其他国家或地方的信息 。我们也可以与他人分享我们的经历,享受美好的东西以及从网络获取知识 。
Firstly, we can obtain knowledge from Internet. There are numerous web sites contains different knowledge relating to skills or theories. If we want to learn certain things, the entire thing we have to do is to click mouse and then we will get the information we want. Beside, lots of people put lots of short video on Internet to teach others.
第一我们可以从网络中获得知识 。有很多的网站都包含了很多的技能或者理论知识 。如果我们想要学习一些东西的话,那么我们只需要点击一下鼠标就可以得到我们想要的信息了 。另外,很多人都会在网络上上传视频来教别人学习 。
Secondly, by Internet, we can contact anyone we want. Internet offers us a passage to contact with others by some applications. The only thing we need to do is to download some soft wares and install them so that we can contact with our families or friends. Besides, we can use many free resources by checking the Internet.
第二,我们尅通过网络联系任何我们想要联系的人 。网络给我们提供了一个可以通过软件跟其他人交流的方式 。我们只需要去下载一些相关的软件和信息,然后安装上这些摄像头 。另外,网络上许多的软件都是免费资源 。
All in all, Internet gives us a platform to learn knowledge and contact others. We are benefit a lot from the Internet.
总之,网络给我们提供了一个可以学习知识和联系他人的平台 。我们因此获益良多 。
2.“我的改变”用英语怎么写(是作文)I have changed a lot. I am taller and much more beautiful. I used to get up late, but now I am used to getting up early because" Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." I am now much healthier because I often do exercises. Besides, I can get on well with others, I pay more attention to share and care.
change 英 [t?e?nd?] 美 [t?end?]
It is a complex system, but it certainly makes a change
这是个复杂的体系,不过确实有所改变 。

