排行榜@2021年10月世界艺术家排行榜【月榜】前30名公布( 三 )

人类只有一个地球,各国共处一个世界。共同发展是持续发展的重要基础,符合各国人民长远利益和根本利益。我们生活在同一个地球村,应该牢固树立命运共同体意识,顺应时代潮流,把握正确方向,坚持同舟共济,推动亚洲和世界发展不断迈上新台阶。There is only one earth for mankind, and all countries share one world. Common development is an important basis for sustainable development and conforms to the long-term and fundamental interests of the people of all countries. As we live in the same global village, we should firmly establish a sense of community of common destiny, conform to the trend of the times, grasp the correct direction, stick to the principle of helping each other in the same boat, and constantly push the development of Asia and the world to a new level.排行榜@2021年10月世界艺术家排行榜【月榜】前30名公布
为了更好地弘扬民族文化,促进世界各民族文化大融合,世界文联通过扎实开展“每日一星”评选活动,引导激励全球文化艺术工作者立足本职岗位,带头坚定文化自信、坚持以世界各族人民为中心的创作导向 、推动人类文化事业全面繁荣和世界文化产业快速发展 。In order to better promote the national culture and promote the cultural integration of all ethnic groups in the world, the World Federation of literary and art has carried out the "one star of the day" selection activity, guided and inspired the cultural and artistic workers of the world to take the lead in strengthening cultural confidence, adhering to the creative orientation centering on the people of all ethnic groups in the world, and promoting the overall prosperity of human cultural undertakings and the rapid development of world cultural industry 。促进世界文化艺术事业发展,任重而道远,诚挚感谢每一位为艺术事业孜孜不倦的艺术家们!There is a long way to go to promote the development of the world's cultural and artistic undertakings. I sincerely thank every artist who has devoted himself to the cause of art!排行榜@2021年10月世界艺术家排行榜【月榜】前30名公布
附件:enclosure;▽参加世界艺术家排行榜获【每日一星及前12名】【周冠军及前12名】 【月冠军及前12名】【总冠军及前30名】的艺术家。均可参加世界文联摄制组【人物专访】 栏目▽ artists who have won [one star per day and top 12], [weekly champion and top 12], [monthly champion and top 12], [total champion and top 30] in the world artist list. All of them can participate in the special interview program of the World Federation of literary and art circles联系人;乐 华、乐 伟、乐 秦、乐 辰、乐 伟Contact person: Le Hua, Le Wei, Le Qin, Le Chen, Le Wei电话;15910755206、18610766399Tel: 15910755206, 18610766399▽所有参加世界艺术家排行榜正式成员,列入《世界文联会员录》发行出版并向全世界广泛推广。All the full-time members of the world artists list are listed in the membership list of the World Federation of literary and art circles and published and widely promoted all over the world.世界艺术家排行榜编辑评选委员会 委员:乐 秦 乐 辰 乐 伟 乐 丽 、 乐 超、 乐 明 、 乐 亮、 乐 依、 乐 俊、 乐 旗、 乐 泽、 乐 娜、乐 慧、 乐 群、 乐 莉 、 乐 玲 、 乐 德 、乐楼、Member of the editorial selection committee of the world artists list:Le Qin Le Chen Le Wei Le Li, Le Chao, Le Ming, Le Liang, Le Yi, Le Jun, Le Qi, Le Ze, Le Na, Le Hui, Le Qun, Le Li, Le Ling, Le De, Le Lou编辑评选委员会执行:乐 秦 乐 楼、Editorial selection committee executive: Le Qin Le Lou电话;15910755206 1380326493Tel: 15910755206 1380326493亚洲文联网站;www.sslg33.comWebsite of Asian Federation of literary and art circles; www.sslg33.com世界文联精英网 www.sjwl99999.comWorld Federation of literary and art elites www.sjwl99999.com