形而上What Is Above Form / The Metaphysical
- 图片来源:学习强国
【中华文化专词双译 形而上什么意思】The term means what is formless or has no formal substance yet. It generally indicates the basis of physical things. The term "what is above form" comes from "The Book of Changes" and is used as the opposite of "what is under form." "Form" indicates physical shape. "What is above form" refers to the state before a physical shape emerges, namely, formlessness. That which is formless is called "Dao."
引例 Citation:◎形而上者谓之道 , 形而下者谓之器 。(《周易?系辞上》)
未成形质者称为“道”,已成形质者称为“器” 。
What is above form is called Dao, and what is under form is called "an object." (The Book of Changes)
(推荐:教育部 国家语委 供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社)
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