
【 诸叶根$百年艺匠——当代著名书画家诸叶根】
个人简介:诸叶根,男,1963年5月生,浙江省杭州市临平区人,青年时曾学过几年刻章,中年时学过6年以上雕塑;2013年始业余学习书画,先后学习花鸟、动物、人物、山水画;现为浙江钱塘艺术院会员,中国美术学院助理研究员,国家一级美术师;山水丹青国际艺术中心艺术合伙人,张雄艺术网签约画家。作品立意新颖,布局巧妙,笔墨精细;具有强烈的民族性和时代感,具有独特的个人风格。作品受到社会的一致好评。2020年2月,作品(红黄熟果累累秋)等21幅,由山水丹青国际艺术中心,美国集邮集团,欧洲集邮协会联合美国、法国,荷兰、比利时邮政部门发行了世界邮票邮册。2021年10月,“秋游山水望高山”等16幅作品由中国大众文化学会,昌禾国际拍卖(北京)有限公司、中国国际集邮网联合邮信部门,为庆祝建党100周年“百年辉煌,百位名家”话动,制作邮票邮册珍藏本。2021年10月,“条条溪流入江流”等15幅作品由欧洲艺术展览中心协会为欧洲国家荷兰,西班牙,比利时等制作专属邮册。2021年10月份,“仙姑福鹿送健康”,等24幅作品由中国文化进万家书画艺术中心、中国邮品研发组委会、中国集邮宣传中心网联合澳门邮政发行纪念邮册本。2021年11月份,作品“菊香清欢源和平”在英国拍卖,由外国藏家收藏,。2021年11月份,作品“清欢造化源和平”由百度百科收录。2021年11月登上时代周刊。resume:Zhu Yegen, male, born in May 1963 in Linping District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, studied for several years in chapter carving when he was young, and more than 6 years in sculpture when he was middle-aged. He started to study painting and calligraphy as part of his life in 2013, successively studying flowers and birds, Animals, figures, landscape paintings; now a member of Zhejiang Qiantang Art Academy, assistant researcher of China Academy of Art, national first-class artist; art partner of Shanshui Danqing International Art Center, signed artist of Zhang Xiong Art Network.The work is novel in conception, ingenious in layout, and fine in pen and ink; it has a strong national character and sense of the times, and has a unique personal style. The works are well received by the society.In February 2020, 21 works (red and yellow ripe fruits in autumn) and other 21 works were issued by the Shanshui Danqing International Art Center, the American Philatelic Group, the European Philatelic Association and the postal departments of the United States, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium.In October 2021, 16 works such as "Autumn Tour of the Mountains and Rivers Looking at the Mountains" were jointly organized by the Chinese Society of Popular Culture, Changhe International Auction (Beijing) Co., Ltd., and China International Philatelic Network and the joint postal department to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. "A famous master" moved, and made a collection of stamps and albums.In October 2021, 15 works including "All Streams Flowing into the River" will be produced by the Association of European Art Exhibition Centers for European countries such as Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, etc.In October 2021, "Xiangu Fulu Sends Health", and 24 other works will be issued by the Chinese Culture Into Thousands of Painting and Calligraphy Art Center, the China Stamp Research and Development Organizing Committee, and China Philatelic Publicity Center.com in conjunction with Macao Post.In November 2021, the work "Juxiang Qinghuanyuan Heping" was auctioned in the UK and collected by foreign collectors.In November 2021, the work "Qinghuan Good Fortune Source Peace" was included in Baidu Baike.It will appear in Time Magazine in November 2021.作品赏析: