
袁江(1662年—1735年),字文涛,号岫泉,清康、雍时期最杰出的界画家,是中国绘画史上有影响画家,宫廷画家,专攻山水楼阁界画,可称“清朝画坛界画第一人”,“且“袁江”山水楼阁界画自成一家,别具一格一直独树一帜于清代画坛,袁江的山水楼阁界画,既精细入微,又波澜壮阔,奇伟磅礴,将雄伟壮阔的山水与金碧辉煌的建筑,很自然的融为一体,而“绿野堂图”正是袁江笔下经常的题材之一,以下是出自于“袁江 绿野堂图”赏析。
Yuan Jiang (1662-1735), the most outstanding boundary painter in the Kang and Yong periods of the Qing Dynasty, is an influential painter in the history of Chinese painting, a court painter, specializing in landscape pavilion boundary paintings, which can be called "the first person in the field of painting in the Qing Dynasty", "and" Yuan Jiang"landscape pavilion boundary paintings are unique in the field of painting in the Qing Dynasty. Yuan Jiang's landscape pavilion boundary paintings are both delicate and subtle. It is also magnificent and magnificent. It naturally integrates magnificent landscapes with magnificent buildings. The "Green Field Hall" is one of the themes often written by Yuan Jiang. The following is an appreciation of the "Green Field Hall of Yuan Jiang".
袁江“绿野堂图” Yuan Jiang's "Green Field Hall"
长:152.7cm 宽:79cm
L:152.7cm W:79cm
"Green Field Hall" is a building with historical allusions. It is the private garden of Pei Du, a famous Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty. In his later years, he retired to Luoyang and built gardens in the suburbs, named "Green Field Hall". He hosted a banquet at the manor, and the participants were proud of it. It was a good story for a moment. Yuan Jiang's "Green Field Hall" is a place with beautiful environment and exquisite architecture. It should be a combination of the southern landscape architecture he saw at that time. It belongs to the product of imagination as well as the actual building as the blueprint.


This "Green Field Hall" was painted by Yuan Jiang in 61 years of Kangxi. It is inscribed as "Ren Yinqing and Yue, imitating Guo Zhongshuiyi, painting in Luyetang and Hao Shang Yuanjiang". There are magnificent mountains and forests, pavilions and pavilions with precise and precise shapes, smooth lines, grand scale and stable shape. The whole painting looks natural and vivid. It is one of the peak works of Yuan Jiang in his early years, both in architecture and landscape.

