1.英国与中国的不同 用英语说Differencies between English and Chinese The English and Chinese are two languages not only the grammar structure which creates sentences with the word different, moreover the expression thought method is different, uses the image also has the difference. Translates the Chinese aspect in England, the key lies in the accurate understanding original text, how lies in the translation to get rid of the original text restricting, avoids the foreign accent ocean accent. This time is uses Chinese to rewrite, therefore to Chinese request big somewhat. But translates the English aspect in the Chinese, how the key lies in synthesizes English knowledge which the utilization studies, us originally understood the quite clear Chinese writing, smoothly expresses by the accurate English 。
2.英国与中国的不同 用英语说Differencies between English and Chinese
The English and Chinese are two languages not only the grammar structure which creates sentences with the word different, moreover the expression thought method is different, uses the image also has the difference. Translates the Chinese aspect in England, the key lies in the accurate understanding original text, how lies in the translation to get rid of the original text restricting, avoids the foreign accent ocean accent. This time is uses Chinese to rewrite, therefore to Chinese request big somewhat. But translates the English aspect in the Chinese, how the key lies in synthesizes English knowledge which the utilization studies, us originally understood the quite clear Chinese writing, smoothly expresses by the accurate English.
3.英国和中国的学校生活education system in two countries' schools are different. In china most students have to study required courses. While, students in Uk have more choices. That also means the evaluation system in two countries' schools are different. Most chinese students have to work very hard to gain high score in exams because both teachers and their parents value marks most. However in UK, students have more freedom to do things they are really interested in because all their effort will be recognized.
Secondly, most campus of chinese schools
4.中国学校和英国学校有什么不同的英语没理解透楼主的问题,我认为你要问的是英语是不是语言习惯不一样 。
中国的英语普遍是应试为主,所以都是10分正式的,类似于thank you的回答一定是not at all 。我在英国not at all了1年,发现鬼子得到这个回答很惊诧 。问之,他说 这么大一个忙,还什么都不是?答曰:老师就这么教的 。他说如果你觉得对方得到了帮助,真心感谢,应该表示接受,sure!
中国学出来的英语一来英语国家会觉得很无用 。你能听懂,但是说出来的自己就觉得格格不入 。英语国家本身社会像菜市场,而你去买菜,说的都是专业术语或10分formal的词句 。
在中国学到高中毕业还是不会说 在中国学到大学毕业会说了 等到去了英国才知道,还得重新学
语法上,中国学生还有不少扎实的基础,但是口语表达,书面的文法上就有很大差距了 。因为中英文的思维方式不一样,中国学生经常写出来中式的英文,就像外国人说中文一样,虽然你明白他大概的意思,但是就是听着别扭,这就是差别所在 。
好多在中国学到的英语来到这里发现没人用,好多中国老师称之为错误的英语在这里却经常用到 。语言在演变,进化,但是中国的英语还是几十年前那个样子 。
5.英语题:同学们,你知道中国和英国有哪些文化差异吗一个说英文一个说中文……咳咳开玩笑的 。
文化差异的话有一个挺重要的一点是关于personal space,即个人空间 。英国人的话对个人空间的要求还是挺大的,特别是陌生人靠的太近会不舒服,中国嘛这人口密度呵呵呵呵 。
还有一些语言上的,比如说俚语啊典故啊什么的,历史文化都不一样有些时候可能无法理解一些俚语,而且笑点可能不同,一个东西可能我们觉得很好笑他们却无法理解 。
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