
收藏是一件十分吸引人的业余活动 。 5000多年的中华文明留下了不少的宝贵遗产给后人 , 文物就是其中的一种表现形式 。 普通人能搜集到一些藏品可谓十分不易 , 而他们也会找鉴定中心去辨别自己藏品的真伪 。 可有些鉴定中心却很不负责 , 甚至出现了误判的荒唐事件 , 这也让人为了寻找负责的鉴定中心而大伤脑筋 。 在北京地区 , 盛荣阁就是个非常负责的鉴定中心 。
【|一个为藏家负责的企业-北京盛荣阁文物鉴定中心】Collecting is a very attractive amateur activity. More than 5000 years of Chinese civilization has left a lot of valuable heritage to future generations, and cultural relics are one of them. It is very difficult for ordinary people to collect some collections, and they will also find an identification center to identify the authenticity of their collections. But some identification centers are very irresponsible, and even absurd events of misjudgment have occurred, which also makes people worry about finding a responsible identification center. In Beijing, shengrongge is a very responsible identification center.

有些非正规的鉴定中心就显得很不负责了 。 他们请到的专家可能没啥资质 , 而估出的价格也显得天马行空 , 在进行拍卖运作时还要收取高额的费用 , 更为要命的是成交率还低得可怜 。 北京盛荣阁文物鉴定中心就不会出现那种拉垮的现象 。 盛荣阁会遵循“公平、公正、公开、诚信、守法、专业”的原则 , 因此他们的鉴定过程与结果都会很有保障性 。
Some informal identification centers seem very irresponsible. The experts they invited may not have any qualifications, and the estimated price also seems unrestrained. They have to charge high fees for auction operation. What's more, the transaction rate is still pitifully low. Beijing shengrongge cultural relics appraisal center will not collapse like that. Shengrongge will follow the principle of "fairness, impartiality, openness, integrity, law-abiding and professionalism", so their appraisal process and results will be very guaranteed.

按北京盛荣阁文物鉴定中心的遵循原则 , 盛荣阁的鉴定专家具有权威性 , 所判断的结果会十分小心翼翼 , 同时所公布的鉴定结果也会负法律责任 , 这也让客户可安心了 。 北京负责的鉴定中心就在盛荣阁 , 值得人们选择 。
According to the principles followed by Beijing shengrongge cultural relics appraisal center, the appraisal experts of shengrongge are authoritative, the judgment results will be very careful, and the published appraisal results will also be legally responsible, which also gives customers peace of mind. The identification center in charge of Beijing is in Shengrong Pavilion, which is worth choosing.