雕刻|玉雕师Aaron Brown和他的工作室

雕刻|玉雕师Aaron Brown和他的工作室


雕刻|玉雕师Aaron Brown和他的工作室


雕刻|玉雕师Aaron Brown和他的工作室


雕刻|玉雕师Aaron Brown和他的工作室

My name is Aaron Brown I’m a studio carver and sculptor living in Cambridge New Zealand.In new zealand it is very common to have a bone or jade pendant. These are sometimes called your piece.So I choose the name “A Carved Piece” for my studio. I buy the stones from the mines or other carvers.I have a deep love for nature so my work naturally reflects this – birds leaf forms insects and nature inspired abstract patterns.
我叫Aaron Brown , 是一名居住在新西兰剑桥镇的独立玉雕师、雕刻师 。 在新西兰几乎每个人都有一件骨头或玉石吊坠 , 这些吊坠有时被称为“你的那一件” , 因此我为工作室取名为“手工雕刻的一件” 。 我通常会在矿区或者其他玉雕师那里购买一些玉石原石进行雕刻 , 主要作品有鸟、树叶、昆虫以及受自然启发而设计的一些抽象外形 。 这些作品都可以折射出我对大自然的热爱 。

I studied drawing (Character animation ) at university as well as other art studies. I decided I didn't want to be an animator but the class gave me a good foundation in drawing and designing.I worked fulltime as a commerial sculptor making realistic animals people and other forms for the model and hobby market for around ten years. I've worked fulltime as a jade carver for 3 years but was part time before that and established my studio  “A Carved Piece”. My studio mainly sells jewelry and Sculptures carved by myself. You can see mirrors of this style in my bird and insect sculptures. I love the challenge of representational or realistic carving and the goal of capturing a small slice of the subjects personality in stone.Along with my more realistic work I also enjoy the challenge of taking a basic form like a toki/chisel or a leaf shape and working the design again and again trying to get it finer cleaner and more pleasing to the eye.
我在大学里主修三维动画 , 虽然我并不想成为一名动画设计师 , 但是这些艺术类课程提升了我的造型及设计能力 。 毕业之后我成为一名全职雕刻师 , 为模型市场雕刻写实主义动物、人物将近十年 。 三年前 , 我成为一名全职玉雕师 , 并成立“手工雕刻的一件”工作室 , 主要制作玉石首饰及小型雕刻品摆件等 。 雕刻师时期的雕刻风格对我现在最直接的影响表现在我喜欢通过雕刻玉石挑战具象写实主义并捕捉对象的局部特征 , 尤其是在雕刻鸟类及昆虫时 。 在写实主义雕刻过程中 , 我喜欢设计一些基本造型 , 比如凿子或树叶 , 并在实践中一次次地改进造型 , 使它看起来更加赏心悦目 。

Although I enjoy the whole natural world flora and fauna from home is always special. When I carve species native to New Zealand I like to make a further connection by using stone from New Zealand – Pounamu  New Zealand Agate Greywacke etc. (Pounamu is the Maori word for New Zealand jade which is also called green stone it means New Zealand nephrite or high quality serpentine.)Making native species out of native stone just fits.
【雕刻|玉雕师Aaron Brown和他的工作室】尽管我喜欢整个自然世界 , 来自家乡的生态群体对我来说具有非常特殊的意义 。 当我雕刻新西兰本土的物种时 , 我希望通过使用新西兰的石头使其建立一种更加深远的联系 , 比如普纳姆、新西兰玛瑙、砂岩等 。 [普纳姆:新西兰的原住民毛利人将当地的玉石统称为“Pounamu(普纳姆)”或者“greenstone(绿石头)” , 主要包括软玉及蛇纹石玉 。