
真实与虚妄 , 无二无别 ,
Reality and illusion are never apart but ultimate One.
烦恼与菩提 , 无二无别 ,
Affliction and Bodhi are never apart but ultimate One.
天堂与地狱 , 无二无别 ,
Heaven and hell are never apart but ultimate One.
轮回与涅槃 , 无二无别;
Samsara and nirvana are never apart but ultimate One.
觉与所觉 , 本来性空 ,
Enlightenment and enlightened from the outset are void in nature.
见诸相非相 , 就见到了我;
Realizing that all forms are essentially formless,
You meet with me.
你的烦恼 , 就是我的妙觉 。
The real nature of your afflictions is but the marvelous awareness of “I AM”.
当佛教徒念经 ,
When Buddhists read Sutra,
口诵诸佛的名号 ,
Chanting Buddhas’ names,
你要知道 ,
You should know,
他们所念的佛 , 那就是我;
What they chant is me.
当上帝教祈祷天主 ,
When the Church of God pray to God,
Truly repent.
你要知道 ,
You should know,
心灵所祈祷的圣灵 , 那就是我;
The prayer of the Holy Spirit is me.
当外道行者 , 拜火拜月 ,
When heretics worship the Fire or the Moon,
祈求神明加持 ,
Praying for the spiritual power of Gods,
赞叹造物主的伟大 ,
Extolling the greatness of the Creator,
你要知道 ,
You should know,
神迹之光 , 那就是我;
The light of miracles is me.
老子称我为道 ,
Lao-tze calls me “the Tao”.
佛陀说我是性 ,
Buddha names me “the Nature”.
外道尊我为上梵 ,
Heretics honor me “the Supreme Brahman”,
众生追寻我为真理 ,
Sentient beings hunt for me as “the Truth”.
依众生不同的认识 , 所现认识我的不同众生 ,
From different knowledge of "I AM" are born sentient beings of different realms.
众生与我 , 却是一体同心 ,
Yet sentient beings and "I AM" are uniform and in essence One.
认识我就有了你 ,
The sense of “I AM” gives birth to you,
熄灭你心就是我 ,
When the object-craving mind vanishes, and there then is no you but “I AM”.
在众生分辨中 , 我无取无舍 , 无垢无净 , 无生无灭 , 未曾远离 。
Neither taking nor rejecting, neither tainted nor pure, neither living nor died. “I AM” ever-present in perceptions of sentient beings, never apart.