
见到内心深处的大爱 , 你就见到了我 ,
When great love springs from within, reality unveils my face to you.
依靠内心离我的奉献 , 融化自我煎熬的坚冰 ,
Truly devote yourself without reservation and regret.
The force of the ego that fuels all the suffering melts away.
纯爱照亮的身心 ,
Sacred love enlightens the body and the mind, within and without.
接纳所有即是我的容颜 。
Accept what life brings, that is the face of “I AM”.
我是纯然无有造作 ,
Absolute and natural,
是裸露的喜悦 , 是自由的解脱 , 是明澈的当下 , 是轻柔的安详;
“I AM” the naked joy, the natural liberation, the transparent Now, and the tender peace.
美好不足以描述我的灿烂 ,
Beauty is insufficient to convey my gorgeousness.
伟大不足以评价我的质朴 。
Greatness is insufficient to assess my simplicity.
本觉是如此直观 ,
“I AM” so self-evident,
众生见闻觉知就是我 ,
That the seeing, hearing, feeling, and knowing of sentient beings are all ultimate me.
可是众生因所想所见所知 , 就是见不到我 ,
Yet, sentient beings are deluded by their own thinking, seeing, and knowing, and unaware of me.
只因为被众生所见 , 污染了我的单纯;
Merely because what they perceive defiles the utter simplicity of me.
本觉亘古自然 , 随处皆是祂的身影 ,
The primordial awareness pervades all as it ever is.
可众生就是无法认识 ,
Yet it can be not realized by sentient beings,
只因头脑的思虑 , 蒙蔽了心灵的眼睛 。
Merely because the incessant stream of thoughts blinds the eye of their hearts.
我是众生原始的本觉 ,
“I AM”- the primordial awareness of sentient beings,
随着生死梦境 , 清醒地伴随着你们;
Ever aware in the cyclic dreams of birth and death.
我是众生的喜怒哀乐 ,
“I AM” - the essence of your happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy,
随着妄想起伏 , 无染觉照那就是我;
Pure and alert in the arising and resting of thoughts.
我是众生见闻觉知 ,
“I AM” - the nature of your seeing, hearing, feeling, and knowing,
随着你们的心灵觉受 , 意识分别 , 所现缘起缘灭 ,
Witnessing dependent origination and destruction through your sensory experience and intellectual discrimination.
Yet unfixed and unperturbed in all births and deaths.
一切境界因心灵分别而升起 ,
All fantasies emerge from distinctions of your mind.
我在你的所见之中 , 清净无挂;
Yet, “I AM” not affected or changed by whatever you perceive.
宇宙倒影着我 ,
The universe mirrors “I AM”.
因妄想中你辨认了我 , 现出众生原始的光明;
Striving to recognize "I AM" in delusion gives rise to the primal light of all life-forms.
我是你心灵深处 , 仇恨幸福 , 爱欲分别的体验源头 ,
“I AM” the source of hatred and happiness, love and desire in the deep of your being.
当众生沉浸于生命的体验 ,
When you are indulged in the colorful experience of life,
体验却扰乱自性祥和 ,
Experience disturbs the peaceful state of your self-nature.
体验成为了你 ,
Experience then takes the beingness out of you,
遗失了本初无染纯明 ,
Obscuring the primordial pure awareness.
疑虑呈现出光明 ,
Delusions discriminate the existence of light.
觉悟体现出智慧 ,
Enlightenment embodies the light of Wisdom.
因分别而现世界 ,
When the discriminative mind comes into being and creates distinctions, the world appears.
你是我的迷失 ,