
宁静平和的情绪 ,
The tranquil and peaceful state,
那就是我 。
Is “I AM”.
一切爱侣亲友 , 皆是心灵的宿债 ,
All lovers, relatives, and friends are but karmic debts of the mind,
犹如海面上 , 浪花泛起的泡沫 ,
Like the tossing foam amid waves of the sea.
是心中的爱染折射我 , 成为你眼中的亲友眷属 。
It is the reflection of me in the taint of your love and desire that presents the kinship tangibly in your eyes.
清净身心 , 不再被泡沫的喧哗扰乱心智 ,
Purify your body-mind, let go the perpetual foaming of thoughts.
泡沫散去 , 大海深沉不动 , 如虚空般映照身心 ,
When the foaming is dispersed, the ocean-swell is at one with its peaceful depths,
As immense as the space illuminating the body and the mind.
空融于无 ,
The spaciousness merges into the nothingness.
那就是我 。
That is “I AM”.
开放你的心灵 ,
Open now the gate of your mind, widely,
不再用理性观念的闸门 , 阻碍心灵觉照 ,
Let not the flow of rational thoughts shutter the light of awareness.
生命之路 , 原本坦荡 ,
Way of life is utterly simple and straight,
犹如晴空无有杂染 , 犹如月光未曾染色 ,
As clear as the cloudless sky,
As translucent as the blemish-free moon.
因你的思维造作 , 给生命加以命运的起伏 ,
It is your mental fabrication that inflicts life’s ups and downs,
在空旷的平原树立起高山屏障 ,
As if erecting a mountain barrier upon the open plain.
一丝疑虑 , 即是一道深谷;
A trace of doubt stripes a deep groove.
一丝贪着 , 就是一座高山;
A hair of craving upholds a great hill.
一念仇恨 , 就是狼虫虎豹;
An instant of hatred beckons frightening beasts (wolves, serpents, tigers, and leopards)
一丝爱欲 , 就是沼泽湖泊 。
A flicker of eros creates swamp and lake.
你忘记了原始的面目 ,
Forgetting your true self,
磕磕绊绊 , 满心艰苦行走在妄想的旅途 ,
You stagger around in a dream-land with a heart full of sufferings.
因为无明贪爱 , 所现孤独无助的身心 ,
Enticed by the lures of ignorance and cravings, you find yourself helpless and lonely.
心灵爱欲取舍 , 造就了生死梦境 ,
It is your craving and striving that perpetuate the dream-like Samsara,
塑造着灾难烦恼 ,
Forging all calamities and troubles.
离开束缚心灵的贪婪习气 , 就会见到我 , 我就是你原始的模样 。
Leaving behind all bondage of selfish desires and dead habits, you come nearer to meet with me in yourself – the primal appearance of your true Self.
彻底放弃自我 ,
Let go of the ego, completely.
就拥抱了生命的完整 ,
Only then you embrace the life as a whole.
生死长河皆是由你心性展现 ,
The stream of life and death flows only in your mind.
释放自我保护的恐惧 ,
Liberate the fears that urge to protect yourself.
舒缓轻柔的心即大爱海洋 ,
Then the mind relaxed and gentle becomes the vast sea of great love.
爱脱离语言 ,
Great love transcends words.
爱蕴涵真理 ,
Great love implies truth.
爱扫荡邪魔 ,
Great love raids demons.
爱驱逐黑暗 ,
Great love dispels darkness.
爱是祝福 , 宽恕 , 与自律 ,
Great love is blessings, forgiveness, and self-discipline.
爱是离舍的根本 , 是光明的流动 , 是安泰的喜悦 , 是极乐的满足 , 是终结恐惧的神灵 ,
Great love is the root of renunciation, the flow of divine light, the peaceful joy, the bliss of great fulfillment, and God ending all fears.