
You are the ignorant form of me.
我是你的原本 ,
“I AM” the original nature of you,
我就沉睡在你的心底 。
Laying asleep in the deep of your heart.
世界倒映着本觉 ,
The world is the reflection of self-awareness.
本觉随倒影而圆觉 ,
And the awareness is of absolute perfection in its reflection.
烦恼即是菩提 ,
Affliction is but Bodhi.
菩提相伴烦恼 , 而性寂如如;
Bodhi is together with afflictions, never apart, in the vast expanse of timeless stillness.
众生即是我 ,
Sentient beings are essentially me,
我即是众生 ,
“I AM” no other than sentient beings.
众生体证身心如幻 , 就在接近我;
The body and the mind are pure illusion,
Closely examine that you come nearer to me.
众生思维诸法性空 , 就在寻找我;
All dharmas are void in self-nature,
Thoroughly contemplate that you are approaching me.
众生体证自心现量 , 无垢染之心 ,
What you see is all but your mind,
Fully aware that you get free from all attachment and defilement,
Which is the form of “I AM”.
众生熄灭思虑情绪 ,
When the train of emotions and compulsive thinking come to an end,
思虑融入自性明寂 ,
The discursive mind melts into the nature of pure awareness.
离幻即觉 , 即是我梦醒之时;
When all illusions utterly vanish, “I AM” awakening in you.
当下即永恒 ,
Eternal is Now.
我伴随无始劫宇宙成住坏空 ,
“I AM” along with the formation, abiding, destruction, and ultimate void of the entire universe in beginningless kalpas.
The void nature of all dependent origination is “I AM”.
我安住虚空无量众生心灵 ,
“I AM” abides in the minds of innumerable sentient beings in the vast expanse of space.
于刹那妄想中熠熠生辉 ,
Illuminating every delusional moment with marvelous brightness.
众生依身心幻业 , 折射我的性质 , 呈现命运起伏 ,
Reflection of me in illusory karma-bound minds brings out the rise and fall of life.
众生依疑虑烦恼 ,
Enslaved by delusions and afflictions,
寻找我的道路 , 幻现八万四千法门 。
Sentient beings are seeking the path of me,
This gives birth to the eighty-four thousand dharani-teaching.
意识因心性的紧张所呈现 ,
Consciousness arises from the restless heart.
情绪因焦虑的攀缘所呈现 ,
Emotion arises from the anxious mind frantically seeking relief.
觉知因心灵不确定之疑虑所呈现 ,
Perception arises from the confusion and uncertainty of the self.
自我因迷失的恐惧 , 紧缩感而呈现;
Ego arises from the fear and obsession of the delusory mind.
所有的体验本质皆是苦难 ,
All experience is utter misery in essence.
众生即是诸种苦患所呈现业果 ,
Sentient beings are but the fruits of karmic deeds.
迷失了本性, 沉沦习气煎熬 ,
Forgetting the true self, you are goaded by habitual patterns and sufferings.
因为你迷失了原始本来 ,
Because of ignorance of your original nature,
因为恐惧从而攀缘 ,
You cling to the outward out of fear.
为了证明幻心从而取舍幻境 ,
Looking for proof leads you astray,
You grasp at illusions,
犹如不会游泳的人掉入大海 ,
Like drowning non-swimmers in the sea,
拼命挣扎想要抓住救命的稻草 ,
Struggling frantically to grasp the life-saving straw.
迷失在无明梦境之中的你 , 却因为想要证实存在的真实 , 而迷失了原来的面目 ,
It is the eager self-identification with whatever you perceive that makes you forget your true being, losing your way into the dream-land of ignorance.