
你是迷失的我, 我是觉醒的你,
You are the ignorant form of me,
“I AM” the enlightened one in you.
你是我在梦境中的寻找 ,
You are the pursuant state of “I AM” in dreams.
寻找停息 ,
When the chase ends,
那远离疑虑 , 无需寻找的即是我 。
That ever-present, free from all delusions, is “I AM”.
本觉未曾离舍众生 ,
The primordial awareness has never been apart from all beings.
众生离舍自我 ,
When all beings renounce their ego-self,
心无所得即是本觉 。
That non-attainable is but awareness itself.
看到世界的眼睛 , 不因所看改变了能看功能;
The faculty of seeing with eyes that see the world is the changeless among the changeful sights.
分辨善恶的意识 , 不因善恶改变了分辨功能;
The faculty of discerning with mind that distinguishes good from evil is the changeless among the changeful deeds.
储存对错真假概念的记忆 , 不因真假概念 , 停止思维运行;
The faculty of conceiving with memory that records concepts true and false, and right and wrong is the changeless among the changeful concepts.
感受悲伤或者喜悦的心 , 不因体验觉受 , 而改变能体验的觉知;
The faculty of sensing with heart that feels pain or pleasure is the changeless among the changeful experiences.
心见上帝也见魔鬼 ,
The vision of God and the vision of demon, when arising, arise from the mind itself.
见性不因上帝而高贵 , 不因魔鬼而卑微 ,
Yet, the essence of the mind is the changeless, becoming not holy in sight of God, nor disgraced in sight of demon.
心灵所见一切 , 不过是心灵能见之性在波动;
Whatever you perceive is nothing but the turbulence of your mind.
我以你的心呈现世界 ,
It is through your mind that the world appears in “I AM”.
世界熄灭于心 ,
When the world merges with the mind indistinguishable,
妙明轻安 , 那就是我 ,
That marvelous awareness at peace is “I AM”.
随净则净 , 随染则染 ,
Neither entertaining the pure.
Nor rejecting the impure,
于十法界处处呈现 ,
“I AM” omnipresent in all directions of Ten Realms of Dharma,
却在一切名相中 , 落落清净 。
Yet remains natural and unconditioned in every name and shape.
以众生生灭因果 , 呈现我的迷惑;
All kinds of activity, birth-and-death, cause-and-effect, are the delusory state of “I AM”.
以世界众生诸相 , 呈现我的生命;
All forms of life and the world as such are the beingness of “I AM”.
以诸法真理 , 呈现寻找我的道路;
All Dharma and truth are the paths in search of “I AM”.
以万物自然 , 呈现我的流浪;
All creatures and the nature are the drifting of “I AM” in cyclic existence.
以微尘佛土 , 呈现我的烦恼;
All realms of Buddhas dwelling in fine mote of dust are the compassionate response of “I AM”.
以众生自我 , 呈现我的煎熬 。
All ego-selves of sentient beings are dreadful suffering of “I AM”.
在生灭中观察生灭的 , 就是清醒;
The witness that witnesses the arising and the ceasing is the consciousness.
清醒熄灭对生灭的观察 , 就是觉悟;
When the consciousness is released from the witnessing mind,
Enlightenment comes in.
见与所见 , 无二无别 ,
Perceiving and the perceived are never apart but ultimate One.
清醒与迷茫 , 无二无别 ,
Realization and ignorance are never apart but ultimate One.
众生与诸佛 , 无二无别 ,
Sentient beings and Buddhas are never apart but ultimate One.
生灭与永恒 , 无二无别 ,
Transience and eternity are never apart but ultimate One.