
The internal friction effect refers to the negative effect of the unnecessary consumption of human and material resources caused by incoordination or contradiction in society or departments in group psychology. This effect often occurs in groups.
内耗效应是指在群体心理中 , 由于社会或部门因不协调或矛盾造成的人力、物力等方面无谓的消耗而产生的负效应现象 。 这种效应经常发生在群体中 。
We individuals also have internal friction: self-spiritual internal friction, which is mostly caused by people’s non-acceptance, entanglement, and criticism of oneself, which leads to the consumption of one’s own mind and body due to self-cause, which is a kind of personal injury.
我们个人也有内耗:自我精神内耗 , 主要是由于人们对自己的不接受、纠结和自我批评 , 导致自己的身心因自我原因而消耗 , 这是一种人身伤害 。
【in|总是心累焦虑,有多少人被“精神内耗”拖垮?到底该如何自救?】Over time, the efficiency of work and study becomes extremely low, and what's more, anxiety can range from anxiety to depression in severe cases!
随着时间的推移 , 工作和学习的效率变得极低 , 而且在严重的情况下 , 焦虑会转变为抑郁!

People with severe internal friction
have the following special characteristics:
Many times they do not do anything, but they feel too tired.
很多时候什么都不做 , 他们也觉得太累了 。
did not do well, and would continue to reflect and condemn myself after the fact, feeling that I was a failure.
表现不好 , 事后会继续反省和谴责自己 , 觉得自己是个失败者 。
Because of fear of failure, many things are not done until the last minute. In the end, it fell into a cycle of procrastination-self-blame-procrastination.
由于害怕失败 , 很多事情拖到最后一刻才完成 。 最后陷入了拖延——自责——拖延的循环 。

How can we change the
state of mental internal friction?
Meditation practice
Give yourself 15 minutes every day after getting up to do meditation practice, meditation helps the training of concentration. When meditation, people sit quietly and pay attention Focus on your breathing. Studies have found that training the meditation for three months in this way will greatly improve the brain's ability to allocate attention.
每天起床后给自己15分钟做冥想练习 , 冥想有助于训练集中力 。 冥想时 , 人们安静地坐着 , 注意力集中在呼吸上 。 研究发现 , 以这种方式进行三个月的冥想训练将极大地提高大脑分配注意力的能力 。

Reading habits
Make a reading plan for yourself every week, and gradually develop the habit of reading. You can choose some books aimed at improving your shortcomings, and relax your work pressure by reading books , Reduce the frequency of swiping your phone, because those short videos that are not nutritiousonly give you short-term happiness.
每周为自己制定一个阅读计划 , 并逐渐养成阅读习惯 。 你可以选择一些旨在改善缺点的书 , 通过读书来缓解工作压力 , 减少刷手机的频率 , 因为那些没有营养的短视频只会给你带来短暂的快乐 。