
放弃繁杂的概念 , 柔软心灵觉知 ,
Discard complexity of concepts.
Relax your senses and mind.
你要知道 ,
You should know,
观念与思维 , 是觉知分别所现意识 , 阻碍了心性的真实 。
Opinion and thought are but perceptions of the mind,
Obscuring the reality of nature divine.
你所见的一切 , 是心见到了心灵记忆 。
Everything you see is the mind displaying the memory of itself.
过去未来当下 , 是能见攀缘了幻见 。
Past, present, and future, are an illusory continuity of “the seer” clinging to “the seen”.
思维的你 , 仅仅是蒙蔽在心灵上的灰尘 ,
The thought-form of you is just like the dirt and dust that alights on the mirror of the mind.
抹去灰尘 , 生命的实相即会展现;
Wiping out the dust, the reality of life unfolds itself.
心在记忆中 , 所现梦境 , 而不挂梦境 ,
From the memory of the mind, dreams arise, tangibly.
Yet the mind itself is free of all dreams.
见无所见 ,
Seeing yet nothing seen in itself.
见无染见 ,
Seeing transcends the seen.
离见遍见 , 于见中离分别 ,
Free from all that is seen, seeing pervades every sight,
With no distinction into any one sight.
那就是我 。
That is “I AM”.
我是如此简单 ,
So simple, “I AM”,
That it can be not perceived by thoughts.
我的展现如此单纯 ,
So pure, the manifest of “I AM”,
That it can be not touched by emotions.
真理就在幻垢身心 ,
Within the illusory and defiled body-mind dwells the Supreme Reality,
于妄念习气中 , 清净随顺;
Shining forth through ignorance and habitual tendencies,
Pure and effortless.
佛性就在自我之迷惑 ,
Buddha-Nature is right here and now in your delusory mind,
于欲望贪婪中 , 清醒明澈;
Radiating through lust and greed,
Clear and transparent.
没有思维理性可以通向我 ,
No rational intellect was to reach me,
Merely because consciousness is but the deluded state of primordial awareness.
没有行为可以还原我 ,
No endeavor was to attain me,
Merely because divisive thoughts fabricate a misunderstanding of me.
没有经验可以描述我 ,
No experience was to describe me,
Merely because every sensation places bondage that limits me.
一切都是本觉所为 ,
Everything is the grace of primordial awareness,
本觉依繁乱呈现生生不息 ,
Whereby the manifold dance of illusory forms appear in an endless succession.
在生命造作中 , 性空无挂.
Yet pure awareness is detached from all deliberate action in the sphere of void.
去爱你心中的敌人 ,
Go forth and love your enemies.
要知道 ,
You should know,
任何敌人 , 皆是心性中仇恨情绪所幻现 ,
All enemies are created by the illusion of the mind filled with hatred.
觉知的错愕 , 显现出爱与恨 ,
Misperception of your true self gives rise to love and hatred.
仇恨的心投射仇恨的相, 犹如海水泛起的波浪 ,
As waves of the ocean blown and tossed by the wind, the mind of hatred casts the image of adversary.
敌人与你的仇恨 , 原本是一体;
What you hate and hatred itself are inseparable.
爱你的仇敌 , 就是宽恕你自己 ,
Loving your enemies is to forgive yourself.
消散了仇恨的浪花, 安抚觉知的错愕,
When the waves of hatred subside, the disturbed mind rests naturally at peace.